Our essential mission is to represent our clients in the most proper way possible while resolving their legal disputes within the framework of legal regulations. At the same time, our mission includes helping our clients take legal precautions before they face legal disputes and providing their legal safety without any further need to spend more time and money.
The European Court of Human Rights, hears applications alleging that a contracting state has breached one or more of the human rights enumerated in the Convention or its optional protocols to which a member state is a party.
The Constitutional Court of Turkey is the highest legal body for constitutional review in Turkey. It "examines the constitutionality, in respect of both form and substance, of laws, decrees having the force of law, and the Rules of Procedure of the Turkish Grand National Assembly".
Criminal law is a branch of public law which studies the concepts of crime and punishment. It examines a human behaviour which is defined as crime and sets forth a sanction particular to that behaviour.
It sets forth rules regarding the activities and organisation of the public administration. It also provides a balance between public force and priveleges bestowed upon the administration, and rights and freedoms of individuals.
Labour law is a branch of law which studies worker’s rights, payments, unions and employer-employee relations. As a rule, labour disputes are resolved at labour courts.
Commercial law is a branch of law which covers all laws and regulations regarding commerce. It regulates businesses, tradespersons, commercial relations among individuals, trade and rights of the parties.
Our office provides legal consultancy for firms on several issues such as customs regulations and regimes, exports and imports, free trade zones, transit trade, and transportation.
It is a private law branch which covers damage insurances (commodity insurances, liability insurances) and personal insurances (life insurances, casualty insurances).
It is a branch of law which regulates the right of individuals to benefit from healthcare services, the protection of public and family health, doctor-patient relations and their rights, obligations and responsibilities.
It is a branch of law which studies the transfer of numeric information. It draws the legal boundaries of Internet usage. Therefore, it also includes concepts like privacy and freedom of speech.
A consumer is a person acting without a commercial or professional purpose. This branch of law is related to disputes arising from relations between consumers and other persons.
Immovable property law is a branch of law which covers the regulations on immovables such as terrains, lands, houses, condos, apartments etc. owned by individuals or corporations.
It consists of rules which a state applies to the foreigners entering the borders of the country. Applicable rules depend on the nationality of the foreigner.
It provides the collection of unpaid money or assurance debts through public force and authorities upon creditor’s will and within the boundaries drawn by law.
Family law is a branch of law which contains familial subjects such as engagement, divorce -with its conditions and consequences-, property regimes, kinship, adoption, guardianship, alimony etc.
It is a branch of public law which sets forth the procedures and principles to be applied in procurements made by public institutions and organisations which use public resources under public scrutiny.
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